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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

     In late summer, from eight till nine is a glorious time to be in the Japanese garden.  The sun, at a low angle, pierces through the linden tree and lights up the moss mound and small pool next to the house.  Backlighting provides what I like to call an electric sensation, just stunning.  And try as I'd like, I cannot begin to capture with my camera the beauty the eye perceives.  You just have to be here.
     I built these mounds in 2013.  The moss is primarily Anomodon rostratus, but every year new species appear, so eventually it will be quite a mix.  The moss on the other side of the bluestone walk is Thuidium, of two species .

1 comment:

  1. It is often frustrating trying to capture a scene in the garden with a camera. One's eyes are filled with beauty yet it is flat and uninteresting filtered through a camera lens. I think this looks great even tho it probably isn't what you see.
