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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

To the back

     The back of the lawn is on the west side of this big summer project.  Contrary to my first plan, I decided to add a narrow walk between the lawn and a low terrace made of boulders, upon which I would plant Vinca minor.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

On to the north side

     These photos show the new bed along the north side of the lawn.  I planted Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue) grass in the oval bed and Vinca minor in the larger bed, basically extending what was already growing at the edge of the lawn.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Planting the groundcovers

     The entire new planting bed between the back lawn and the walkway will have ground covers underneath the higher perennials.
     The first two photos show Lamiastrum galeobdolon, or Yellow Archangel, being planted on the west end.  I dug the plants up from my many beds of it.  It likes shade, but it will tolerate some sun, as will appear in this spot.
     The next two photos show Lamium maculatum, or Dead Nettle, planted in the middle.  It, too, likes shade, and was dug from other areas of my gardens.
     The next two photos show Waldsteinia ternata, or Barren Strawberry.   It likes sun to part shade.
     The last photo shows the entire planting bed from the west end, looking east towards the house.