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Monday, September 19, 2016

No more impatiens!

     That's it.  I've had enough.  Of the downy mildew, that is.  That nasty fungus appeared in Europe more than 10 years ago, maybe even 20.  Then it landed on our shores, and five or so years ago it hit hard here, usually doing its damage from early to mid-August.  The leaves suddenly fall off, so the plants have to be pulled out.  The photo shows most of a small planting wiped out, with only a bit on the right yet to succumb.  It won't take long.
     So far, there is no cure, and I have not yet heard of any breeders trying to develop resistant varieties.  In the meantime, I and many other gardeners will be switching to New Guinea impatiens.  It's not perfect, as they require more sun, but it's better than what we have now.  In parts of my garden, I switched to wax begonias, and that works fine.  But the color selection is not nearly as wide.

1 comment:

  1. Dale first of, really need to say this, I LOVE THIS HOME PAGE picture!! This is absolutely inspiring. I'm deinitely bookmarking this for any future ideas and inspirations I need.
