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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Round 4, the last of New Zealand

     Here are the last photos of New Zealand.  The first is of a Kauri Tree, Kauri australis, once the dominant tree in the north island, used for lumber.  This giant shown is over 14 feet wide and 169 feet tall.
     Photo 4 shows the Dragon Tree, Draceana draco.
     Photo 5 shows the Tree Aloe, Aloe barberae.
     The last photos show the Feijoa plant, Acca sellowiana.

Friday, February 1, 2019

And then it was 31 below

Note: I will be touring the Virgin Islands and the Galapagos Islands, so there will not be a new post for several weeks.  Enough of this winter!

     Fourteen below was bad enough.  Then six inches of snow added to the insulation blanket for the shrubs in my Japanese garden.  It was needed to survive the rather brutal 31 below zero (36 below Celsius). 
     The little mounds next to the picture window are made of snow covering my new boxwood plantings last fall.